Thursday, April 28, 2011

When Do I Get Serious About Art

When do I get serious about my art? It has always been important, but I feel like I never made the full commitment. I was always doing something else as well as doing art. Of course life gets in the way but doesn't a serious artist not let it? Am I afraid of failure? Or does success matter?

This is my first blog where I will be discussing my feelings about being a visual artist. I will talk about my fears, my challenges, my success and my failures. I think part of the answer to my first question, is in doing this blog. By making this commitment to share my feelings about art is making a commitment to be serious about making art a greater part of my life.

When I asked the question, "Does success matter?" I first have to decide what is success. Few artists get rich or famous, but that is two measures of success. The thing is, they didn't start out rich and famous, they started out with a passion to do the thing they loved, and when they arranged their lives to do that, that is the point they became successful artists. Art is in the doing. A rich artist or a poor artist fills their days the same way, doing art. Did Picasso stop doing art? Did Monet? They painted until they died because that is what they loved.

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